No makeup. No filter. Just me. In all my baggy-eyed, pajama-top-wearing, sitting-in-my-dining-room, silver-haired, freckled glory.
I am a woman exploring what it means to be a person, a professional, a partner, and a parent. To read more about what inspired me to start this blog, please read this.
I cannot be anything to anyone else without first acknowledging who I am and what I need to thrive. This is a hard lesson and is easier said than done. Intellectually, I know this to be true (Maslow’s hierarchy of needs) but putting it into practice takes mindfulness and intention. I love to write. I am a lover of the Oxford comma; you’ll see it a lot! I love to create art: drawing, painting, photography; many of the pictures and art you will see here are my original works. I am an advocate for sustainable living. I seek to live, and parent, mindfully and intentionally. I am Catholic and my faith colors my perspective of life; hopefully, you will find this perspective relatable to your own ideas of spirituality.
I am a nurse with over 10 years of experience in adult care: inpatient, home care, and hospice. I have practiced nursing with some of the most diverse populations in some of the biggest cities in the world at some of the most renowned institutions in the world. I am a firm believer in the value of evidenced-based practice in my professional life and this carries over into my philosophy as a parent. I jokingly refer to my style of parenting as “evidenced-based parenting”.
My husband and I have been together since 2007 and married since 2011. We strive to be equal partners in our household and believe that the responsibilities of parenthood are a team effort.
I am a mother to two boys and our fur-baby, a white English Labrador. Raising my children is one of the greatest things I will ever do and the responsibility to nurture my children to fulfill their every potential is a job I take very seriously.
My experiences have motivated me to share my story in the hopes of inspiring more honest conversations about what contemporary motherhood and fatherhood really look like. Pregnancy and birth and parenthood are wonderful and hard and amazing but I think we can, and must, do better in supporting new moms and new dads and share more honestly what this journey looks like in real life. Unfiltered. Because life and parenthood are not perfect. And that’s okay.
Thank you for joining me.